Embracing your Divine Feminine

As a Business Startup Coach, I often work with women who are stepping out of a career where they were working in a very masculine environment (which was my journey too). While there is nothing wrong with working in these environments and they do serve to help us develop our masculine energy, what often happens is that we lose touch with the importance of our feminine energy.

 The Shift from Masculine to Feminine

Men and women have both energies. We all know females who have more masculine energy and males that have more feminine energy, but we all have both. As we step out of environments where male energy has been dominating, we may notice a shift within ourselves. What once lit us up no longer does. Our priorities begin to shift, as well as our desires. We may feel a need to sit quietly more often or to exercise and eat healthier foods. We may feel greater sensitivity, compassion and concern for others. We may feel like doing less. These and a whole slew of other changes can occur during this shift.

Awakening Gifts

During this shift, we may even feel like some of our gifts of intuition are opening up like psychic vision, clairaudience, clairsentience, and empathic abilities. These are more likely to open up when we are not so inundated and stressed out. For example, having my empathic abilities open up while I was in a corporate would have been way too much. It was hard enough as it was. Once I stepped out of that busy and chaotic environment, I started to feel extra sensitive to everyone’s energies. As overwhelming as it was as an entrepreneur, I cannot imagine how much worse it would have been while I was in corporate.  

Why Both Energies Are Necessary

You may be wondering, why do I need masculine and feminine energy? First of all, please recognize that both are very important. We cannot create without both. The masculine aspect is the idea, such as the idea of starting a business or starting a new project.

The feminine aspect is about nurturing the idea. Such as, giving the idea the things it needs to germinate and to grow like positive thoughts and energy. It also includes, giving it time to grow energetically and allowing for it to expand and clarify within you.

The masculine energy steps in when it is time to do something; take action. We may feel an impulse to write, go somewhere, develop something, or to reach out to someone. The key is to follow these impulses through and not talk ourselves out of them. Sometimes this takes tremendous courage, especially when these next actions are outside our comfort zones.

Once again, the feminine steps in when it is time to wait for our next step. Sometimes there are moments when there is no further action you can take; you are in a state of waiting. This is a perfect time to reflect on what it is you are creating. Is it going in the right direction? Are you remembering to enjoy the process? Are you taking care of yourself in the process? Do you have the right systems in place? These are just a handful of examples of how important the pauses are in the creation process.

I know so many business owners that have successful businesses but are not happy. Their businesses are now owning them by taking on a life of their own. These owners are now exhausted. This is because they are choosing to live out of balance. It is an important time to learn how to live in harmony with their feminine energy.

These reflection points are very necessary for the owners to build their businesses with intention. It’s important for them to remember why they got into it in the first place, to focus on the vision of what’s next, to recognize why they are starting to go off track, and to do course corrections along the way.

I once heard it said that when a rocket goes to the moon it does not take a straight path. Instead, it is a chronic series of course corrections that help it stay on track. Your business is not going to go in a straight line either. In fact, sometimes it will be a rather curvy path, which can feel frustrating at times. We women are curvy, yes? Part of this process is just learning to accept this as the nature of things.  

Lastly, birthing your idea into the world has a ton of masculine energy involved within it. There is a lot of doing associated with it, as well as quite a bit of force necessary to really launch it and push it out into the world. This can be an exhausting part of the process but it can also be exciting.

How We Disrupt Our Feminine Energy

What often happens is that we are unaware of this natural ebb and flow and our thoughts get in the way. For example, we tell ourselves we aren’t doing enough or that sitting and doing nothing is lazy, when that may be exactly what we need.

The masculine energy is very much about doing while the feminine energy is about being. Sometimes just being with the idea, feeling what it feels when you give birth to it, imagining what life will be like once it all works out, is exactly what’s needed.  This is a very necessary part of the process.

But living in such a male energy dominate society has shifted our thinking to respect and idolize the masculine traits while looking down on and disrespecting the feminine traits. We see this dynamic playing out between males and females of our world as well. The roles and traits of females are often downplayed and disregarded as less important.

This is all changing, and we can see evidence of this all around us. However, it is equally important for each of us to shift our own mindsets around this powerful feminine energy. In fact, some say that this energy is MORE powerful than masculine energy which is why it has been suppressed for so long. It’s an interesting idea even though not much has been written about this.  

The Traits of Feminine Energy

Feminine energy is very important and one of its most notable traits is the art of being. Being is often seen as the opposite of doing. A common example is being present in a conversation rather than doing something on your phone. Another example is being present in nature rather than thinking about what you need to do at work. This trait of being is greatly needed in our society right now. It seems as though people are so busy doing that they struggle to relax and just be. There’s a reason we are called human beings not human doings.  

Divine feminine energy is nurturing (including self-nurturing), kind, radiant, sensitive, unconditionally loving (towards self and others), introspective, surrendering, receptive, and allowing. It’s also very creative, emotional, intuitive, and wise.

When working on increasing your feminine energy, you may find that you are desiring a lot more time alone because being in the feminine energy is about going inward. If you’ve been out of balance for quite some time, you may find yourself swinging way over to the feminine side of things because that’s what your body, mind, and soul needs to restore balance within you. Letting go of judgment of yourself and accepting this as an important phase of your journey is essential. There’s nothing wrong with wanting more alone time or wanting to just be. In fact, it may be exactly what you need. My advice is to not fight it, just allow it. Relax and surrender to this side of you. Embrace the many gifts that it will bring.

The Benefits of Your Feminine Energy

Those who are learning to embrace their feminine energy and create better balance with the masculine are a lot less likely to burn out. This is because they don’t force things to happen before they are ready. They know that things will happen in Divine Timing. They are good at nurturing themselves, their teams, and their ideas during the process. They are more patient, compassionate, trusting, and forgiving. They do things with greater ease by allowing things to happen when they are ready and by welcoming others to be a part of the process. They build plenty of time for reflection into their schedules and are more easily able to go with the flow. They are receptive to receiving new ideas and they know that abundance comes from all sources, which means they are open to receiving it in all the many ways it shows up.

There are many benefits to embracing your Divine Feminine despite society’s notions that some of these traits are weak. Indeed, these are some of the greatest strengths that we can bring to ourselves, our businesses, and our world. My invitation to you is to begin recognizing, appreciating, and encouraging the feminine side of you. Source has given you this energy for a reason. Perhaps it now time for you to embrace all that you are including a supremely wonderful and feminine human being (and by the way, all this is coming from a former tom boy who hated being a girl 😊).