What is Flow?

There is a state in which you can experience greater ease in your life and business. This is often referred to as the flow state. It’s a state in which things just seem to happen for you. Ideas flows in, resources shows up, actions occur at just the right time. It feels as if things are happening through you and for you.

Flow states are joyful when they occur because its fun to see things show up out of the blue and in perfect timing. It seems almost magical. It helps you see, first hand, that the Universe is truly conspiring for you. Even watching how things come together in ways you could never expect can open your eyes to what’s possible when you allow this Infinite Intelligence to work with you and for you.

In this article, I’ll share some ways you can actively work to bring yourself into the flow.

Flow is what naturally occurs when you are not resisting it. Like a river that naturally flows through the land, the flow can be very gentle but it can also be very powerful. Like a river, it can be strong enough to carve huge canyons and ravines. Your life is this flow. It naturally knows where it wants to go. It is always leading to your highest good, greatest joy, on a path of least resistance. If you could just get out of the way, it can flow through you with greater ease.

What causes you to get in the way of this flow is your own resistance. Resistance is created by thoughts and beliefs that restrict the flow. Thoughts that cause uncertainty, doubt, worry, judgement, or fear are all forms of resistance. For example, if you think the only way you can leave my job is to make $100,000 in your business, you are putting a condition on the flow that is very rigid in nature. In essence, you are saying to the Universe this is the only condition by which you can leave your job. You’re squeezing the Infinite into a tiny possibility.

In order for the flow to occur, it’s important to realize the human mind thinks in very limited and fragmented terms. There is a much larger, grander plan for you that is impossible for you to see from your limited perspective. Being in the flow means you’re learning to trust in that grander plan.

Here are 6 Practices to Be in Flow 

1.  Let Go of How – To enter into flow, it is helpful to leave the how up to the Universe. Whenever the mind wants to “figure out” something, it is interfering with the flow. Instead, allowing yourself to stay curious and ask question like, “What are the numerous ways in which I could leave my job this year? What are some ways that it can be easeful?”

Asking questions allows your mind to access the mind of Infinite Intelligence and open up to new ideas, new possibilities. Ideas and answers will begin to flow in response to your questions over the course of the next few days. As long as you are open minded, you will receive them. Closed mindedness will block them out.

Closed mindedness is caused by believing you already have the answers. It is also caused by believing that what you know is all there is and that what you know is right. Recognize there is so much more available to learn. The Universe is Infinite.

2. Stay open minded – Be open to receiving information from everything and everyone around you. A friend may say something that is exactly what you needed to hear in the moment. A book may be mentioned several times. An opportunity from a neighbor may reveal itself. Recognize these could be the very things you’ve been asking for.

You can still use your own discernment. If something doesn’t feel right for you, let it go for now, but stay open minded to the truth that lies behind their words. Everyone is a mirror to your own thoughts and beliefs. Perhaps they are showing you a belief that needs to be let go. 

3. Visualize – Begin to visualize yourself what you desire such as working from home or in your new space. See and feel yourself having plenty of time. See and feel yourself feeling at ease about money. See things flowing in, including new clients, with ease. Don’t get discouraged that you don’t yet have this yet. You are simply planting a seed.

Once the visualization is done. Focus back on the good you have now and shift into a state of feeling grateful and appreciative as often as you can. Life is about continuous creation. There will always be more that you desire AND feeling satisfied and appreciative for what you have today will allow you to be in state of joy NOW rather than always waiting for something in the future to make you feel joyful. You will then manifest from this state of being.

4. Let Go of Attachment – Let go of attachment to anything. If you are feeling attached to having your business making 100K, recognize it. If you’re feeling attached to money only coming from your business, recognize it. If you’re attached to not relying on anyone else for help, recognize it. Attachment creates restriction and frustration. Choose to let the attachment go.

There are a hundred other ways you can achieve your desires. Be open to all of them. Just as examples, you can refinance your home, purchase a smaller home, rent a room, receive an inheritance, apply for a grant, win a big contract, all of the above or something else. Don’t get attached to how it comes about. Let the path to your desires unfold for you. Be open to receiving all the ideas and ways. This is a continual practice of noticing what you’re feeling attached to and surrendering. Attachment creates unnecessary resistance and struggle.

5. Trust – There is an Infinite Intelligence at work in you and within the Universe. This Infinite Intelligence knows exactly how to bring about what you desire. It also knows the perfect path for your personal and spiritual growth. Learn to put your trust and faith in this Higher Power and watch as things begin to unfold for you in magical and unexpected ways. Fear is the opposite of trust. You must learn to let go of fear in order to allow yourself to stay in a place of trust.

6. Use Your Inner Guidance – Being in flow is a process of following your inner guidance or feeling system. Your feelings are designed to indicate what thoughts and ideas will bring you the most satisfaction, peace and joy. When heavier feelings come in, get curious. Something is seeking to be released – an old belief, an old memory, an old trauma. By learning ways to allow these feelings and memories to rise to your awareness safely and without judgment, you can choose to release them.

Through this process of allowing feelings to surface, you are allowing yourself to go through the process of “lightening up” by letting go of the heavier beliefs and traumas from your past. This process allows you to attract things of a higher vibrational nature such as love, joy, fulfillment. This process is necessary because your beliefs were formed by past experiences, and were perceived as negative experiences that made you feel unworthy or incomplete (creating a sense of lack, for example). To move beyond the experiences of the past and create new positive experiences, you can allow them to surface and choose to see them from a new perspective, that is, a higher level of awareness.

Practice Creates Increased Awareness 

Learning to operate in the flow state takes practice. This is because of the beliefs that have been instilled in us as a society. We have taught us to work hard, to force or make things happen. We’ve been taught that things have to be hard won. We value success and achievement. Many of us believe it’s not worth having unless we’ve worked hard to get it.

These and a myriad of other beliefs can interfere with our ability to just allow ourselves to receive the good that Infinite Intelligence would love for us to receive. You are worthy of receiving them now and are receiving many them now. Notice all the good that is already flowing in. See all the ways the Universe is already providing for you and allow yourself to let go of any beliefs that tell you otherwise. These are just some of the ways you an keep yourself in the flow.

Helpful? Please feel free to share with a friend. Also, if you’re feeling stuck in your business, I can help you to move into flow. To find out more, please visit my website or set up some time to chat by scheduling a free consultation.