I had a client share with me recently, “I’m the happiest I’ve ever been”. And proceeded to say, “I can’t believe how quickly it’s happened. It’s amazing to me that all this is possible!”

Hearing that was music to my ears. The best part is that her story isn’t fiction or fantasy. It is the result of all the work she has been doing. She has been actively taking steps to launch her business, improve her life AND think in a positive way. 

Now thinking in a positive way may sound Pollyanna to you – think positive and all your problems will get better. That can sound too simple or airy fairy. Perhaps you’ve even tried it and seen minimal results. But thinking positive is a necessity if you want, well, positive lasting change.

I once had a person tell me when I became a coach, “So you think you’re going to change the world by sitting on a mountain and teaching people how to think positive. That’s not going to change anything. People need to get out in the world and do something.”

While I get that point of view, what I have witnessed is that thinking positively is exactly what the world needs. So many of us are frustrated with one other and with our own lives. We blame others for the state of our world, and we even blame others for our own unhappiness. We can’t see that the solution to our unhappiness lies within. This isn’t a judgement; its true for me too.  

The reason for this is because our thoughts are dominated by what’s known as the egoic mind. The egoic mind’s purpose is to create the illusion of separation. The tools it uses to do so includes pointing out all the flaws, the problems, and the things that are wrong in ourselves and others. It loves to judge and criticize and tear people down (including ourselves). It is unkind and unloving and causes us to separate from our loving nature and from one another.  

I have learned by experience that thinking positively is a great step to undoing the egoic mind and will not only improve your business, but it will improve your relationships, health, and overall well-being. As my client shared with me, all the things in her life improved. She’s able to spend more quality time with loved ones. She’s taking better care of herself and incorporating daily self-care. Her business is growing with ease (and she just launched 4 months ago). Her anxiety is disappearing. All of this is occurring by not just taking action but also by actively improving her state of mind with daily practices.

Take that to the next level – how can thinking positively help improve the world. We may think working on ourselves doesn’t help with the bigger picture. Well, the world is a macrocosm of the microcosm. If you blame political leaders, big corporations, big banks, or the economy (for example) for the state of the world (and thus your unhappiness and discontent), the solutions can feel overwhelming, if not impossible. Once you recognize the solutions lie within you, the power to change things shifts back into your hands and improvement feels doable.

Here’s an example, try this statement on, “I AM THE ONE. I am the one who can change my life. I am the one who can heal my relationships. I am the one who can improve my health. I am the one who can forgive others. I am the one who can change the world. I am the one who can heal the Earth.”

Every thought you think and every choice you make matters. I know thinking positive is easier said than done and there’s more to it than what I can share here. For one, it requires noticing your own thoughts and beliefs. It requires acceptance that your own mind is the cause of your problems. It requires patience and forgiveness as you undo your old ways of thinking. But each time you shed a negative belief (a belief that is unloving and disempowering) and replace it with a positive one (one that is based in love and empowerment), you begin to witness for yourself, the power of changing your mind. You learn, by experience, the positive impact it has on you, the ones you love and yes, even on our beautiful planet.

If you’re reading this and feeling frustrated because things aren’t working in your business or life, then it’s time to reach out for support. You are the one who can change them both and I’m here to help. Schedule a free consultation today and let’s get started.