Have you ever wanted something so badly but you just can’t seem to do what it takes to make it happen?
Perhaps you have been trying to start your own business for years, signing up for all kinds of programs, investing in numerous coaches, spending upwards of $100,000 to learn how to market your business. Yet, despite all the programs, all the books, all the resources you’ve tried, nothing seems to work.
Deep down inside, you’ve always known the problem is you. Likely, you remind yourself of that all the time, telling yourself you should have tried harder. I bet you even get angry with yourself because nothing you try seems to work. Obviously, (you tell yourself) that must mean there is something wrong with you. That people must not like you. I’m guessing you beat yourself up time and time again and as a result, you feel like an absolute failure.
Worst yet, because you failed the last time, you get to use that against yourself the next time you try something new – reminding yourself incessantly that you will always fail because look at all the times you’ve failed in the past.
This is a vicious cycle and it is the very thing you need to break through in order to create the results in your life that you seek. Until you do, you will continue to struggle. This issue isn’t exclusive to career issues. This cycle interferes with EVERYTHING you want to create whether it’s a deeply loving relationship or a healthy, energetic body that allows you to make the most out of life.
It even interferes with your ability to make more money because if you feel like a failure you can’t possibly ask for money with confidence. This includes asking for a raise from your boss or asking clients to pay you for your time and services. It all comes down to self-worth. What your worth is directly related to your perceived personal value. If you don’t see the value in what you have to offer, neither will anyone else.
At this point, you might be wondering how you can fix this issue. The good news is that there is a way to reverse the damage you’ve done to yourself all these years. There is a way to start seeing yourself as more than enough and believing that you have real value. As you do, people will see the value in you as well and exciting new opportunities will begin flowing your way. The best part is that you will have the courage to embrace these opportunities so that you can finally achieve the results you seek.
Overcoming self-worth issues is achieved by applying a repeated process to override your old patterns of thought. It starts by noticing your thoughts – paying very close attention to what you are telling yourself on a regular basis. Self-defeating thoughts are constantly running in the background of your mind and most of the time you are completely unaware of them. How do I know? Because I’ve got them too.
It takes diligent practice to notice your thoughts and in particular the thoughts that are self-sabotaging. Every time you notice one, it’s an opportunity to tell yourself something more empowering – to rewrite the script that you tell yourself. This is the reason that many people use affirmations. Affirmations are incredibly powerful but knowing how to use them is important in order for them to be effective.
Every time you hear thoughts that are pointing something bad out about yourself, you want to hit the pause button right away. Don’t let that thought take over. It’s not true. So long that you believe it is, you will be at the mercy of your thoughts. In other words, instead of you controlling your thoughts, your thoughts will be controlling you. The key to success is to be the captain of your ship; knowing exactly what you want to accomplish and controlling your thoughts so that they stay aligned with what you are trying to achieve.
If you want to be healthy, wealthy and successful, you cannot simultaneously be having thoughts whispering in your mind that you are not deserving. Even if by some miracle you did achieve many of these things with self-sabotaging thoughts, you would not be able to sustain them. In the end, your thoughts create your reality. No matter how hard you try through action to change your circumstances, you will always feel like you are swimming up stream against the current and you will get tired.
Going for the dream of what you want to create doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, if done right, it is incredibly invigorating and fun. All it takes is persistence of managing thoughts – noticing when you are pulling yourself off track and lovingly getting yourself back on. It’s a new way of doing things that most of us have never been taught, yet the rewards are more wonderful than you could ever imagine. Life gets better in every way when you’re willing to release all the self-doubt, self-judgment and self-loathing that’s been holding you back from becoming the magnificent person you truly are.
To learn more about how I can support you in breaking through your personal barrier, please visit my website at www.danielleisaac.com.