Welcome to a new day of your life! This day is a new opportunity to step toward your dream. Some people will not wake up this day. They are moving on to another stage of life. If you are reading this then that’s not the case for you. Celebrate that and know that the Almighty has given you another opportunity to live and stretch toward your dream. This day is a blessing.
“Remember, ideas alone won’t bring success. Ideas have value only when you act upon them.” – The Magic of Thinking Big
Your dream life is an idea. It doesn’t yet exist. Everyone has a dream. Some will achieve their dream and many others will not. What sets successful people apart from everyone else is that they are people of action. When successful people have ideas, they act upon them. Often they act on their ideas imperfectly, making mistakes along the way. That’s par for the course. Expect that. Bless the mistakes as feedback. The expectation of perfection stagnates people.
“Use action to cure fear and gain confidence. Do what you fear and fear disappears. Just try and see.” – The Magic of Thinking Big
Take action! There’s only one way to grow this seed of an idea called your dream. Ask yourself, “what’s one step I can take in the direction of my dream?” and remind yourself that you can accomplish a lot in just 5 minutes. Most importantly, take the step! Procrastination buys you nothing. It will keep you stuck and stagnant. Believe in yourself and the process and take the step. Lean in to your dream!
Danielle Isaac
Life Mastery Consultant