People have been aware of law of attraction for at least a century. Some would argue it’s been around for thousands of years and they may be right. However, only in the last few decades has it grown in popularity.

Why has it grown in popularity? Information about it has become more widely spread. The movie, The Secret, debuted in 2006. A handy version of the book came out a few months later. Neale Donald Walsh published the book series Conversations with God which came out in 1995. Internationally known speakers like Bob Proctor, John Assaraf, Wayne Dyer, Les Brown, Jack Canfield and Mary Morrissey all included it in their teachings. Many of them began certifying life coaches who began spreading their teachings and messages.

Oprah Winfrey began to speak of it and has included countless guests including famous actor Jim Carey who said that’s how he manifested his first $10 million. Abraham Hicks started broadcasting her live talks on YouTube. Mindvalley came on the scene in 2002 but really began to gain attraction in the last decade as truth seekers began looking for an online platform that had courses and teachers who could help them access greater levels of awareness.

The more one looked, the more one found that information about law of attraction could be located nearly anywhere. What the law of attraction did, was finally answer some of the universe’s biggest questions. Suddenly, things that didn’t make sense to people began to assemble into a universal picture that connected all the dots of anything we’ve ever wanted to know and made sense of it all.  Law of attraction caused people to stretch the limits of their thinking and seek answers beyond what they were taught by conventional learning.

These answers weren’t found in scholarly books from Ivy League Universities or even in textbooks found in community colleges. These answers weren’t found in any one religious doctrine. Often, people had a sense these doctrines were incomplete but when compiled together, their truths could be weaved together into something that made more sense to our intellectual minds.

Prior to this understanding, many people were left confused about the deity that created the Universe. Why would a god that is all knowing, all loving, and everywhere-present allow for struggle, poverty and sadness? Why would believing in his son fix all that and wipe away our sins? Do we really only get one shot at life and then it’s all over? What happens after we die? Is there really a hell where souls are doomed forever? Which religion wins and gets to go to heaven?

Other questions people were asking included, how can I create a life that is filled with joy, laughter and wonder? How can I live a life that’s free of struggle and less encumbered? How can I find my soul mate and stop attracting all this heartbreak? How can I truly be free in a world filled with so much burden and expectation? How can I experience the best of life while I’m still young and healthy? How can I regain my health and vitality?

The answer to those very important questions began to unveil themselves through the teachers of law of attraction. In essence, they said, you can have all those things, but you must start to think differently. For at the heart of law of attraction is one simple principle – you are the creator of your reality and your thoughts become things.  

How can that be, people wondered? Are you saying that everything that has occurred in my life is the result of my own thinking? The short answer is, yes. Many people struggle with that answer because it requires that we take responsibility for our thoughts and actions, even those we made less consciously. By the same token, it allows for us to notice and change our thoughts so that we begin to create our lives more consciously.  

People wonder, “Why would I have chosen for the bad things to happen in my life?” The answer, because you didn’t know any better. You came into this world with no memory of how things really are. Naturally, you relied upon the adults in your life to teach you these things and chances are, no one taught you that thoughts like, “I’m ugly” or “nobody likes me” would play out into your reality. No one taught you that this universal law would attract to you both the things you don’t want as well as the things you do want. Why? Because very few of them knew about this law either. It remained a secret for a very long time.

These days, more and more people have become aware about this “not so secret – secret” and are applying the principles in their own lives. The advantage of doing so is that these principles will help you to not only attract a life that is beautiful and wonderful, they will allow you to start ascending on your soul’s path. That’s a term we don’t hear much – our soul’s path. Most likely, that’s not being talked about in your office or in your social groups.

You may suspect this already, but your soul had a purpose before you were born, and it wasn’t to work a dissatisfying job for the rest of your life. Your purpose has been imprinted in you and chances are, if you are reading this, you are becoming aware that you are meant for more. Indeed, you are! You are meant for so much more than anything you can imagine. You chose to be born in physical form for many reasons of which you may or may not be aware of. Some reasons include clearing up your soul’s karmic debt, your soul family’s karmic debt. Other reasons include experiencing that which you are NOT so that you may experience that which you ARE.

For example, how can you experience unconditional love and truly appreciate it for the beauty that it is without experiencing pure heartbreak and loneliness first? Contrast is what gives us perspective and causes us to ask for what we want instead. Contrast is what helps us to appreciate and experience the joys of a warm fireplace and a cup of hot cocoa after a day of play in the snow.

In addition, we came into this lifetime with soul contracts, promises we made to ourselves and others. Your soul contract may be related to cleaning up karma with a soul mate. It may also include ways you promise to help humanity or Mother Earth. You will be guided, by way of your natural curiosity and interest towards these things you were meant to do. Follow your curiosity.

Regardless, our ultimate reason we come into physical form is to experience the very best vision of the very best version of ourselves we can possibly be. For in the seeking of this experience, we come closer and closer to the truth of who we are, which is that we are an extension of Source Energy. Source is our Creator but is also creating with us and through us. Our experience is Source’s experience and therefore brings him/her great joy.  Source wants us to succeed in our creation process!

Our ability to create great things is exponential. We have the ability to create any reality we choose. Yet, there is much work to be done before we reach any level of mastery. Thus, begins the best adventure! For the joy comes from our journey, not just in the getting of what we want. Just as a sculptor enjoys the sculpting so shall we learn to enjoy the creating as much as the creation.

If it is your wish to create a beautiful reality, using the law of attraction, the first question you must start with is, what would you love to create? The manifestation process begins with your thoughts and ideas. Like seeds being tilled into the soil, you must plant your ideas for a better life firmly into your mind. Dare to dream of the life you would love to live. Write it down and hold it firmly in your heart. See, smell, taste and touch it as if it were real. Let nothing deter you from moving forward.

You must also pull out any weedy thoughts like, “I’m not good enough, worthy enough or smart enough”. These thoughts will choke out your dreams like the weeds in a garden. The law of attraction can only attract to you what you most think about. Therefore, it should become your dominant intent to focus on what you DO want rather than on what you don’t want. Place your attention on your intention to create a great life. Focus on nothing else.

Third, pay attention to your feelings. Your feelings are an indicator of whether your thoughts are in harmony with your soul’s truth. If you are feeling negative emotion, your thoughts are disharmonious with your higher self. To learn from that situation, it’s important to ask yourself why it bothers you? Example: Why does it bother so much that this person is trying to scam the system?

Underlying that situation is a belief and belief system you have that is operating your personality in that moment. Until you change your belief system, you will continue to react similarly, you may even be judging every individual you perceive as scamming the system and you will continue to make the decisions which will result in you taking the same actions which means nothing will have changed. You will be still frustrated every time you perceive someone scamming the system. You may even feel angry about that and you will be judging everyone you perceive is doing that regardless of their story or situation.

Judging others is one of the habits we must learn to let go of if we are to evolve and grow as individuals and as a society. It is in the judging of others that we cut ourselves off from the truth of who we are and separate ourselves from one another. Just as we don’t like it when someone judges us, we must realize that judging others is wrong too. No one has the right to judge another but God/Source.

In order to change your circumstances, you must change your mind. In order to do that, you must look at what your mind is made up of and make conscious choices for how you want to think and feel going forward. This is how we evolve beyond our current way of thinking.

Once you uncover why you feel the way you do, release that negative emotion and ask that your spirit guides take it away permanently. You have learned the lesson your soul desired to it is no longer necessary for you to carry around that negative emotion. Once they burden is carried away, you should feel lighter and freer.

Be sure to take a moment and claim your new I AM. An example is, “I am compassionate and loving, seeing the good in all people regardless of the actions they choose”. Whenever you release something, it opens a space for something new to flow in. Make sure to claim what you want that new thing to be otherwise, it may fill in with another belief that does not serve you.

Through this cleansing and healing process, you will begin to let go of the old beliefs that no longer serve you. You can step into a version of yourself that feels more joyful and loving (negative emotions are heavy and burdensome to carry around, they lower your energetic vibration). You also will be cleaning up karmic debt that has inadvertently accrued in this lifetime, as well as in others.

Important feelings to recognize, get to the bottom of and release are:  shame, guilt, frustration, anger, sadness, depression, overwhelm, anxiety, self-loathing, self-deprecation, apathy. That being said, it’s important to not stay stuck in of these emotions. The idea is to cleanse and release, so that you feel more joyful and lighter.

If you are stuck, it may be time to reach out for professional help. Not all practitioners are the same so try a few out to see who you most like and enjoy working with. Psychiatrists, counselors and life coaches are all possibilities. The key is to find someone who is going to teach you thought-reframing tools as well as help you envision a brighter future while simultaneously also helping you take steps towards it. Find someone who brings out the best in you and is going to helping your feel better (preferably without medication) and teaches you how to listen to your own inner guidance.

It is important to remember that your soul is communicating and guiding you all along the way. Often, it’s hard to recognize that calm, quiet voice within. Mine speaks to me mostly in the way of feeling. She reminds me there is never any reason to get flustered. She is always in a place of steady calm.

Quiet moments, meditation, nature walks are all great ways to connect with that part of you that is wiser beyond a thousand lifetimes. The answers to having a remarkable life lie within. Now is the time to reconnect with that beautiful part of yourself and create your most incredible life.